Ted Edwards' Stepson Steals Sturgill Yard Signs

Recent photos reveal what appears to be the stepson of former Orange County Commissioner Ted Edwards stealing yard signs.
The offense is criminal and more than that, just plain wrong. The sign in question belongs to local business owner and opponent of Edwards in the race for congressional district 7, Scott Sturgill.
The theft happened at 2:24pm on Wednesday at the corner of Lake Mary Blvd and Red Cleveland Blvd (Sanford Airport).
The Sturgill campaign said they approached Edwards but he denied the theft. “Integrity doesn’t seem to matter to Ted or his family,” Sturgill said after Edwards refused to acknowledge the event’s occurrence.
Even after the campaign presented proof of the theft, Edwards continued to deny it.
The theft comes as the Orlando Sentinel recently endorsed Edwards, who, among other things, has advocated for gun control.
Edwards consistently polls well below most candidates in the race and is not favored to win.
Sturgill says he gave Edwards the opportunity to reinstall the sign but he refused.