Thank you for your patronage of The Orlando Local News. We are grateful for your continued support of local journalism during these unique and challenging months. While our readership remains high, the economic downturn and impact of the Coronavirus pandemic have brought revenues to a new low. If you believe in our mission, we invite you to join us as a Patreon member at one of the several levels outlined in our E-Newspaper tab.

    A one of a kind publication, The Orlando Local News seeks to protect and enhance the interests of the citizens living in our community as a guardian of truth and honest journalism. We have no axes to grind; no particular philosophical or political point of view to expound— just common sense reporting and community responsibility.

    All of us engaged in the publication are neighbors or friends and we hope to bring you on board as well. Founded in 1980 by former Walt Disney World executive and Kansas City Star Editor Roger Swanson, The Local News sought to promote journalistic integrity and balanced coverage from day one. The Editor of The Orlando Local News is Marshall Swanson, whose professional activities over the years have spanned the fields of radio, government, philanthropy and politics. The main reason for the existence of The Orlando Local News is to bring an alternative voice to a wilderness of journalism—  to present a different point of view lacking in our area. We seek to enhance the coverage of news, current events and personalities in these communities most wish to hear. Other publications simply have not paid much attention to the real sentiments and opinions of residents, and we hope to change that.

    We refuse to submit to the pattern of conformity so prevalent among a majority of news publications in around the country and in Central Florida run by out of touch, out of town corporations seeking nothing less than to gin up division and ideological propaganda among our friends and neighbors. Our reporters and staff will certainly give opinions on matters and topics pertinent to the community represented in this publication. However, unlike many publications today, we will allow any of those opposed to our point of view a place to voice their opinions as well.

    Moreover, we feel obligated to ending the ravages of cancel culture by taking the first step ourselves and pledging to combat the blatant character assassinations so widely on display in competitors' headlines. Finally, we aim to distinguish the borders between news and opinion with a greater level of clarity than most of our rival publications today.

  Facebook and other social media platforms attempts at censorship also presents a major challenge. Recently, the social media giant removed our Facebook page in a campaign to stamp out freedom of speech online. We will not stand for this attack, and we invite you to follow us on the new social media app Parler. In the mean time, our team has re-opened our Facebook account for posting non-political content such as articles on our area's fine dining restaurants and cultural aspects.

    We pledge our loyalty to the people of Central Florida and invite you to join our mission to bring back honest media coverage to our area, and please consider subscribing to our newspaper as well. Once again, we extend our sincere appreciation for your loyalty and generous support during these tumultuous times and invite you to be a part of our effort to expand and grow our publication.