Sabatini is Not Worthy

The matter of Anthony Sabatini‘s election to Congress should be a cut and dried decision for voters.
Anthony Sabatini does not deserve to represent the great people of Florida congressional district 7. He deserves to be excommunicated from public life.
The so-called conservative firebrand has become a pariah in Tallahassee. His most recent drunken tirade against war hero Cory Mills illustrates his depravity and total lack of respect for anyone who dare oppose him.
The old adage “birds of a feather flock together,“ not only summarizes the choices Sabatini has made regarding his companions, but also illustrates the extent the fledgling politician will go to in order to maintain power.
By accepting taxpayer money from a convicted pedophile and associating with alleged rapists and sex traffickers Anthony Sabatini sealed his fate in the ranks of penultimate American villains like Boss Tweed and Joseph McCarthy. Whether elected or not, Sabatini will remain a vile creature in the annals of political history.
Our district should not be governed by one of the top stooges of American politics. We deserve better.
Why should we elect a buffoon to the most powerful body in the nation, much less a half rate one? Marjorie Taylor Greene represents nothing less than the worst of American conservatism. But at least she didn’t become an accessory to one of the greatest political scams in history: the Joel Greenberg saga.
Sabatini to this day refuses to return the $7500 in cash he acquired through ill-gotten gains.
Despite the corruption, let’s examine his record as a politician: in Eustis he accomplished nothing. In the State House he accomplished nothing. What will he possibly do as a congressman?
Zero bills. All hot air. Lots of talk and no action. Is this the sort of congressman you want representing your neighborhood?
Electing the class clown of Florida politics to Congress will do nothing for property values but make them dwindle. Growth and business opportunities for our state will plummet when Sabatini‘s fellow committee members realize how loose of a cannon he really is.
Sabatini loves to lambaste career politicians (many of whom he'll have to work with in D.C. if elected) but in reality has made for himself no career of his own outside that profession (unless you count washing dishes in his mother's restaurant or filing failed lawsuits). But if his track record in Tally means anything, Florida's premier political grandstander will be more talk and no action.
Let's vote no on Anthony Sabatini: Florida's worst politician.