Opinion: Contributions Benefit Chad Albritton

No, he's not a recipient of funds to benefit the underprivileged children's' drive or even one of those cute kids from a Shriner Hospital. Chad Albritton is a political candidate - and we'll give him one thing: he's honest. Rather than skirt around the truth, he tells us how he really feels: it's all about him. Don't believe such a candid candidate exists? Look no further than his website. The campaign slogan is simple: "Your contribution will benefit Chad Albritton." We all know why most politicians get into office and the reasons generally don't revolve around public service.
Certainly, Albritton should be lauded for his candor, but the painfully obvious question looms: who is he? Aren't we tired of career politicians with no practical experience running for office? One thing is for sure: with Act Blue behind his campaign, Chad really doesn't need to worry about money. In fact, neither do Casselberry residents.
Clearly the carpetbaggers supporting his campaign can do a much better job of fundraising than the citizens of the town themselves! With outside support propping up Chad's race, the outcome remains unforeseen. His campaign website as of this writing outlines a broad vision with few, if any, substantive points.
Just like his website: Chad Albritton offers little but an empty suit full of empty promises (with the exception of his pockets). Casselberry Commission Seat 4 may be the hanging chad of 2020, but one thing is for certain: Albritton's void promises and sparse agenda would punch a wide hole through Casselberry's progress over the years.