Opinion: State Attorneys Worrell and Ayala Corrupt to the Core

Some wonder whether incoming State Attorney Monique Worrell really believes in the radical agenda of BLM, or simply pays lip-service to capture votes from her high and mighty political demagoguery. BLM has long supported radical positions such as defunding the police and reparations which was attested as early as Ellen McGirt's 2016 article, "Why Ford Foundation Is Underwriting Black Lives Matter" in Fortune Magazine. Putting aside the violence perpetrated by fringe groups on both sides of the spectrum, BLM still remains dangerous in their lack of basis in reality. We decided to go through the statistics and history ourselves to demonstrate just how deranged Worrell's pet organization is. Fact: a police officer is 18 1/2 more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer (Wash. Post).
Fact: only three shootings of an unarmed black male occurred in Orange County within the past decade (Wash. Post). Fact: the US distributed reparations following the Civil War in the form of funds from "Freedman's Bureau," and the government continues to support underprivileged groups, including those urban areas, by means of SNAP and a wide array of welfare programs like Medicaid and Section 8 housing.
Fact: the majority of wealth generated in the US derived from the northern industrial states, not the agrarian, aristocratic south where most postRevolution slaves were held captive. Without statistical evidence and historical backing, the BLM movement's policy objectives don't have many legs to stand on, and Worrell, as an educated adult should know this. What is really going on? You can decide that for yourself. But in the end, as Worrell's racist policies and divisive rhetoric rip our community apart, we should all ask ourselves where her allegiance lies? With the people, or the power of political office?