A Glitch or Scam? Downtown Orlando Ticketing Awry

Could it really be true that the city of Orlando places falsely issued parking tickets on vehicles within a matter of minutes of the owner leaving?
As a result of an anonymous report we placed one of our reporter’s vehicles in three different locations around downtown Orlando to conduct an experiment. On each occasion using the city’s prescribed QR code (as listed on each meter), we found that despite paying for an hour on each of the city’s parking meters, all three locations were ticketed— and swiftly.
Not only did each vehicle hold a green sleeve under their windshield wipers, but moreover, this practice occurred within two minutes of the individual leaving the car.
Could there be a glitch in the parking app? Very possible. But sadly it appears that predatory ticketing may be at play on the part of the city.
Who knows what financial disclosures may divulge when it comes to “ParkMobile’s” campaign donations?
Of course, Mayor Buddy Dyer needs all the money he can get after bankrolling his famous bridge to nowhere, (another graft project), across Colonial Drive near the I-4 intersection.
Isn’t it time for a change in leadership, Orlando?