Winter Park's First Woman Mayor? Voters Decide Today

Winter Park's First Woman Mayor? Voters Decide Today

  Winter Park residents are heading to the polls today as they choose the city's next mayor. The race between Phil Anderson and Sarah Sprinkel took a number of chaotic twists and turns in recent weeks, especially during the second mayoral debate, when Phil Anderson hijacked a microphone and threatened the host Betsy Gardner Eckbert over a question the candidate found inappropriate.

  Additional controversy followed when the Anderson-backed commission called an emergency meeting to investigate the Chamber of Commerce in a highly contentious manner. Anderson, generally viewed as the anti-development candidate, opposed the Henderson Hotel project around which the question had been structured.

  Sprinkel's position on development tends to be more utilitarian, in an effort to balance progress and village charm. Both former commissioners, Anderson and Sprinkel also diverge on taxes. While commissioner, Anderson raised taxes on Winter Park, while Sprinkel-aligned elements opposed the decision. Sprinkel also supported projects promoting education such as the new Winter Park libarary while Anderson derided the plan as unnecesary.

  The Orlando Local News spoke to residents this afternoon about their decision. "I've been unsure about who to vote for," said Teresa, a 22 year resident of Winter Park and Sarah Spinkel voter. "But I chose Sarah, not just out of concern for Mr. Anderson's temperment, but more importantly what his mayorship will mean. She's got a level head on all the issues, and we certainly don't need more decay and job loss. We can't let genuine but misguided caution stop what's best for our city."

  Sprinkel would be the first woman mayor of Winter Park, if elected, a change many residents feel to be long overdue. Tuesday's victor will replace outgoing Mayor Steve Leary. Five polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday for voters to cast their ballots. Click here to find your polling location.