DeLongy's John Craig Celebrates 25 Years March 2

When Craig DeLongy launched his wildly popular haberdashery in Winter Park 25 years ago on March 2, 1996, the internet's supremacy had not yet advanced upon the retail industry, and large chains like Macy’s and Joseph A. Banks were still the mainstays of the average shopper's delights. Although many today buy their clothing online, Delongy's store only gains in popularity by the year.
Why? The answer comes in three parts— customer service and the uniqueness and quality of the store's products.
DeLongy's selection of men's clothing speaks to class and sophistication, unlike many of the factory made, mass produced suits exported from outside the country. Go into any large retailer at most times of the day and the stores have become the equivalent of a fine clothing Walmart. Most of the customer service is dead, save higher end stores such as those at Millennia.
DeLongy's focus on the customer and providing a one of a kind of experience culminates in a phenomenon witnessed few places today: loyalty. Named after his grandfather, Craig DeLongy's store now has several locations throughout the state. DeLongy recently opened a location down the street near Cigarz On the Avenue as a pop up shop.
In 2009, DeLongy opened Current, a more modern men's clothing store with the same classic touch. Like father like daughter, Blair DeLongy now teams up with her father in expanding and perfecting their outlets. Experience John Craig for yourself by visiting