Orlando Weekly Cheer's at Parkland Shooter's Light Sentencing

In a recent post on Orlando Weekly's web page, one of the blog's writers lamented Governor Ron DeSantis' frustrations with Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz' lenient sentencing. Cruz murdered 17 innocent people at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018. The then 19-year-old Cruz entered the building with a semi-automatic rifle and went on a rampage.
Cruz pled guilty to the charges of murder against him last year although the jury failed to sentence him to death, a decision Governor DeSantis recently expressed dismay with: "This killer's going to end up getting the same sentence as people who've committed bad acts, but acts that did not rise to this level," he said. "I just don't think anything else is appropriate except a capital sentence in this case. So, I was very disappointed to see that."
"You'd think this would cause a bit of cognitive dissonance in the governor. After all, our entire justice system is meant to be built on an equal meeting between adversaries (typically a citizen and the state)," the Weekly's Alex Galbraith wrote. "The winner is meant to be decided by a jury of peers, made up by definition by the defendant's fellow citizens. The decision in the case against mass shooter Nikolas Cruz led to DeSantis to question the will of juries."
However, Orlando Weekly's treatment of the Kyle Rittenhouse story paints a picture of hypocrisy, tacitly criticizing the jury's verdict in that case, behavior that the publication lashed out at DeSantis for engaging in.
It is not secret the Weekly remains a highly liberal publication. But it is their propensity to spew half truths and fallacious material that causes much of the Orlando community to refrain from picking up their faltering print circulation around town.
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