Scott Sturgill Remains Only Real In-District Candidate in Race for CD 7

With Florida's new congressional maps finally in, a better picture of congressional district 7 has come into focus. Among the plethora of candidates running for the seat, few claim strong local ties, and almost no residency in the district itself.
As a result of his strong local connections and history as a long time resident, local business owner and former Soil and Water Commissioner Scott Sturgill recently obtained the endorsements of several high profile leaders in the area and across the state. The endorsements include former Congresswoman Sandy Adams, former Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary, former LT Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera, Seminole County Commissioner Jay Zembower, and Sanford City Commissioner Patrick Austin.
Scott Sturgill remains the only in-district candidate in the race for congressional district 7 at the present. Although a few local challengers exist, most of Sturgill's opponents have either spent more time in Washington DC or hail from other areas of Florida.
The stalwart conservative believes his business acumen will help make Washington work.
The former Soil and Water Commissioner also serves as the CEO of Durable Safety Products, a family-run business serving customers in 48 states, that provides safety gear and personal protective equipment to front line workers including first responders, construction workers, and school crossing guards.
Sturgill said his campaign will focus on keeping the promises so many politicians make to voters but then break: "I am tired of seeing politicians run for office to not follow through on their campaign promises. I am tired of the red tape and regulations as a business owner. I am tired of the assaults on our freedoms and targeting of our children's education. I am not just talking about the issues, I am willing and ready to bring the solutions that our country needs."
Several of Sturgill's opponents have come under fire for both issues relating to questionable political ties and their lack of local ties and residency. Sturgill expressed his satisfaction with his fundraising efforts, raising several hundred thousand dollars from a largely local donor roster.
Sturgill will face State Representative Anthony Sabatini, Corey Mills, and Rusty Roberts in the district 7 GOP primary election.