Fifty Shades of Bankson? State House Candidate Publishes Lewd Book

The following contains adult themes and may not suitable for some readers.
A State House candidate for district 39 recently came under scrunity from voters for a "Christian" sex book the politician published. Although the Bible does contain adult, sexual themes in Old Testament books such as Song of Solomon, New Testament writers clearly condemn lewd and lascivious behavior ranging from polygamy to fornication and even foul language.
In Philippians 4:8–9, the apostle Paul writes, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
And while it is true discussions within the church about sexuality may be acceptable in some form or another, some now say his vivdly instructive manual on sexual relations may cross a line from the world of religion and into the mediums of fetish and fantasy.
Lune after line in Bankson's "Love Your Woman" seems to be fit for sexual entertainment at best, and comedy at worst. One such line, almost laughable outside the context of his alleged Christian sanctimony, fits better into a Dave Chapelle sketch than a book on religion, with the controversial politician writing: "You know why God gave women two breasts? Because He gave men two hands!”
But the book's most cringe-worthy lines don't end there. Here are just a few of Bankson's more bizarre statements:
“When foreplay is longer,” he wrote, “orgasms are stronger.”
“A married woman needs to respect the positional authority that God has given her husband.”
“You would do well to ask the Holy Spirit to deal with her if you feel she’s not living up to her end of the bargain."
But that's not the end of Bankson's advice. He goes further by engaging in a Fifty Shades style diatribe: "Whisper into her ear, take some time to kiss (and nibble if she likes) her ears and neck. Use your fingers, maybe the back of your hand to brush gently her jaw line and down her neck to her shoulders. Take it all in!"
Although his advocacy for submissive women and love for longer foreplay do not appear on his campaign website, the page does list Bankson as a published author.
The former Apopka commissioner faces Randy Ross and Charles Hart in the 2022 GOP Primary for SH District 39.