Opinion: Liberal Media Wages Unfair Attacks on Local Church

We all know the Liberal Media has a certain penchant for harassing conservatives, and in particular, the religious kind. Revival Baptist Church in Clermont, Florida knows this best. The church has received threats and false coverage simply for proclaiming their beliefs.
The church holds a more conservative position on the issues of gay marriage and traditional values when it comes to biblical interpretation. The congregation, a King James Only denomination, seeks to live out their views of scripture, and without being maligned for their sincerely held beliefs.
Whether in agreement with believers or in opposition, most Americans can concur that this nation, founded on the idea of liberty, means one thing: the ability for anyone to practice their faith without prejudice.
But time after time, the church has experienced false accusations and wrongful and defamatory attacks simply for voicing their opinions. The church, although clear on the issue of gay relations, never, as alleged by the liberal media, went beyond the pale when it came to standard Christian doctrines. Indeed, the pastor of the church, Patrick Boyle, merely stated a concern for the direction of society.
While everyone in the country has a right to voice their own views, they cannot and should not, override the opinions of others.
The Puritans were among the very first settlers in North America, seeking relief from religious persecution in England. However, many Americans today also experience the same treatment as our forefathers. This nation, conceived in liberty, now must grapple with a battle between those who would uphold our core values, and those who seek to abolish them.
Patrick Boyle, whatever the veracity of his beliefs, is entitled to his own freedom of expression, and the liberal media is morally wrong to malign his reputation for cheap shots against a small town, family oriented pastor.