Winter Park's Curbside Pick-Up a COVID Relic, Waste of Space

In truth, Winter Park's curbside pick-up spaces constitute nothing more than a COVID relic maintained by woke political leaders in Winter Park. Despite their positive intentions, unfortunately, the eyesore of curbside pick up slots also means a waste of space.
Despite the fact that vaccines have now been available for over a year, and most residents seek to go about their normal lives, the left-wing hacks in charge of the city can’t see past their virtue signaling. The elderly and those with immune disorders certainly deserve protection and care. But taking up hundreds of square feet of real estate on Park Avenue with curbside spaces no one uses is not the answer.
Several pick up zones to the side of and behind buildings already exist, including many parking spots for the handicapped (7-Eleven, both parking garages at the beginning and end of the Avenue, train train station).
These vacant spaces, at least in a small way, hurt business for local shop owners and it is high time they be removed.