Opinion: Does Orlando Weekly Have Standards?

Opinion: Does Orlando Weekly Have Standards?

Be careful what you say! Orlando Weekly - that sanctimonious publication known by so many for their LGBTQIA+ soirees and woke attitudes - may be listening. If you repeat the wrong things, you'll lose your livelihood and career. Like the monsters in the film "A Quiet Place," one peep and you're dispatched into the wilderness of nothingness for eternity. Surely, such an awesome and prominent news organization as Orlando Weekly must spend their time on more productive news investigations than the assassination of private citizens' characters? Who cares what a small business owner's religious beliefs might be, or what they think about unisex bathrooms, or how they feel about BLM? If the coffee's good, I'll drink it! The kind of fetishization Orlando Weekly has with call-out culture is simply unnatural.

The mob mentality of Orlando Weekly's incessant attacks on private citizens illustrates with lucidity the deep and ancient roots of their collectivist witch-hunt: scapegoating. The publication thrusts their own personal, psychological and professional shortcomings on the backs of those not only unrelated to their business but also on private figures with no pertinence to real news. Talk about creepy! Just take a look at a recent article by Orlando Weekly on a local shop owner near Lake Eola. A recent graduate of the Center for Really Asinine People, why can't Natalia Jaramillo seem to grasp the concept that - except for a tiny but vocal community of trolls like herself - no one cares what a small-business owner thinks about political issues?

Perhaps an X-Ray of her skull might reveal a vacancy of the cranium! But in truth, Natalia and her counterparts aren't that ignorant. They know by destroying the reputation of certain people, their media constituency will further transform themselves into full-fledged, zombie-like sycophants of demagoguery and programming. Despite their secular fanaticism, Orlando Weekly, like all secular left-wing groups, derive their obsession with victimhood from Christianity. But Christianity commands forgiveness and repentance together, not just one of those concepts. A hero of both the left and right, Dr. Martin Luther King sought to mend divisions based on the Christian virtues of redemption and forgiveness, but Orlando Weekly seeks to do the exact opposite by propagating stories that upend careers of private individuals and stoke the flames of division. The publication really should follow the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, when he said: "We must not seek to defeat or humiliate the enemy but to win his friendship and understanding." An easy and expected response to this article might be to criticize our website as a blog, but then again - unlike Orlando Weekly - we hired more than four employees.

We also publish a regular newspaper, distributing in areas the tenderfoots at our rival publication can't seem to garner supporters from. Why not go back to the drawing board and figure out a way to pick on somebody your own size, Orlando Weekly!