On the Virtues of the Thad Altmans

State Representative Thad Altman and his ilk may not be flashy. But they get the job done. They focus on fixing the potholes. They examine the systemic problems in infrastructure and society frankly— and how to best catalyze growth for our economy. The mundane aspects of these so-called establishment politicians may not be as sexy as the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Lauren Boebbert style of politics opposing them— but they certainly cannot be described as anything other than workhorses.
The Thad Altmans of world deserve credit for their quiet service. But today the voices of pragmatism and problem-solving now fail to rise above the demagoguery of ideological politics.
What began in the Tea Party movement as a decent effort to rid the Republican Party of stale political personalities ended in the complete and utter destruction of efficiency, order, experience and political savvy. As early as 2014, a majority of the US House of Representatives were relative newbies on the GOP side.
And yet the calls for radical purging of alleged RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) continued to a fevered pitch, even unto the present. (Certainly some in GOP don't fit the modern era. Look no further than Liz Cheney. But this author would argue there is a distinct difference between challenging moderates and challenging senior statesmen/women).
A decade later, the Democratic Party is also undergoing its own transition from stalwart, experienced political figures toward the more bombastic and media driven characters now dominating the GOP.
Locally, Anna Eskamani and Anthony Sabatini occupy this slot. Both politicians deal in the world of black-and-white. You’re either for them or against them. You’re either a conservative or a liberal. Any middle ground or difference of opinion is impossible as the destruction of opponents supercedes the public interest.
A hard-core stance on immigration while also holding liberal views on economics cannot coexist in this world. It’s either one or the other. All or nothing.
No longer can the Dick Batchelors and Lou Freys of the world sit down with one another and discuss common interests or differences without vilifying their respective personalities. Today, not only does a difference in opinion or approach mean accusatory or insulting language, but such a position might possibly cost a political candidate/officeholder their career and livelihood.
Senator Barry Goldwater, the great conservative precursor to Ronald Reagan, once stated that "extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."
We agree. But even radical opinions can be discussed with decorum and decency. Something lacking from modern political debate. Don’t believe it? Look no further than the debates between Francis Fox Piven and Thomas Sowell in the 1980s.
Ideologues on both sides render the political process irrelevant when every discussion is framed in the context of battle lines, either one side or the other, good or evil.
But as the late, great Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said, “you’re entitled to your own opinions, you’re not entitled to your own facts.”
Too many "political leaders" today not only summon the worst demons of our political beings but make up their own facts.
It’s time to get back to basics, and back to Earth. To get back to the practical matters of problem-solving and dispense with the hot air.
Perhaps sponsoring a bill to promote bridge muck removal in the Indian River Lagoon isn’t as exciting as naming a highway after President Donald Trump, but you might be more predisposed to thank Thad Altman next time you go to a clean beach (HB 2623).
Altman's constituents can also thank him for not depending on septic tanks like many residents of Lake County do.
And what of the Eau Gallie River Dam project which updated aquatic infrastructure in Brevard County? (The list of bills and improvements brought about by Altman's tenure in the legislature goes on far beyond what can be outlined here. A full list may be found here).
Few of the ideological sycophants showing up to local political meetings in Central Florida would give a moment's thought to the significance of these projects. And yet the arrogant voices of the few out-bode and override the voices of reason.
He may not be as flashy as the newer models, but if Thad Altman were a car, he’d probably be a trusty pick up— not fancy, but he gets the job done, and better than most.
While some rising GOP stars bask in the sunlight of demagoguery, Altman works behind the scenes to make the trains run.
It’s all fun and games to talk about election audits and road names until infrastructure collapses and basic societal needs aren’t met.
So next time you drive your car over a bridge that doesn’t collapse, swim in pristine Florida waters, or drink out of the tap without getting sick, thank all the Thad Altmans, past and present.