Randy Ross at it again?

It seems Randy Ross is at it again.
I’ve published several op-eds as a volunteer writer for OLN out what I feel to be my civic duty in educating the public as to the criminal record of Randy Ross and his character.
Unlike private individuals, as a public figure and candidate for office, the public deserves to be informed as to Ross’ profile and qualifications. The stains on his record exhibit a pattern of amoral behavior that have manifested not just in mere charges or accusations, but in concrete convictions.
Now rumor has it Ross may follow through on a run for Mayor. His latest Facebook post is an example of why he cannot be trusted by the public.
Recently Ross posted on his Facebook page and Instagram page that he had been the victim of a hate crime.
There exists no evidence of a hate crime because he claims he was wearing Trump attire. Zero! There are no witnesses and there was no police report made as Ross claimed, based on public records.
Sources indicate the injuries sustained, and we don’t like anyone to get hurt, are that of a drunken face plant on concrete.
So why on Earth would anyone stage such a false narrative? Perhaps to garner attention and sympathy for his exploratory campaign as Mayor of Orlando, announced last month, and to not reveal the true narrative.
Such a contrived story of victimhood also helps him to raise money from those that are not up to speed on his past.
Let’s take a second look at the facts surrounding Ross’ questionable history.
Ross was convicted (we emphasize the word convicted) of insurance fraud in 2015 and was on probation through January 2018 while working on the Trump campaign.
In addition, the state suspended Ross’ drivers license and he was still driving during that time illegally.
Ross’ FDLE report is 7 pages long and covers crimes in Seminole and Orange County over many years.
Had a police report been filed, and again, there was no such report made according to public records, local media would likely have picked up on it and revisited Ross’ criminal past. We break the truth here as an exclusive, but not the way Ross intended.
Aside from Ross’ criminal background, his personal life is a wreck.
Ross has not had meaningful employment for almost 15 years and is rumored to live off a family member’s social security income as well.
For a man of 60, not to mention a potential mayoral candidate, this is truly an embarrassment.
What’s more, Ross often can’t decide where his loyalties lie, supporting both former State Rep. Anthony Sabatini as well as current Congressman Cory Mills, former rivals.
Ross has run for office at least 5 times and failed in each bid for public support. One’s past is indicative of ones present and future— but there is almost always room for reform and rehabilitation.
However, it is clear Ross is too old to change for the better. He needs to find a job and stop the stealing from the generosity of others!
When will people learn to run away from Ross? Perhaps never! Let’s hope voters hand Ross another loss!
This opinion piece reflects the views of Kendall L Robinson, and not necessarily the Orlando Local News Editorial Board