Lascivious Disney Shirts a Reminder Innocence is Dead

Recently, nothing less than two t-shirts were in the news - yes t-shirts - for their moral turpitude. As small of an issue as this may seem, it remains newsworthy.
A former Disney employee, Sam Carter, spotted the t-shirts, which read "I wanted the D" and "I gave her the D," with the letter being stylized as the iconic D in Walt Disney's signature.
When Walt Disney founded the company's first Disney park in California in 1955, he opened with a simple statement "...Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America. With the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all world." We find it difficult to believe that this man of character and Americanism would condone his signature being used in such a way.
We will not feign surprise or outrage at this latest episode of debauchery. The dismantlement of public decency and moral behavior is commonplace in America today. What people do behind their own doors remains up to them. But public acts of venality must be moderated, not merely for the sake of our community's moral compass but also for the good of our children's eyes and ears. We condemn this latest act of gross moral delinquency on the part of Disney and its staff.