July Fourth Reflections

Opinion: Culture Clash on Display at Lake Eola
Republished from July 4, 2020
Central Floridians again celebrated Independence day in droves on July 4 after a year in quarantine, with Orlando's annual Eola fireworks display as one of its premier events.
From Irving Berlin’s “This is a Great Country” to America’s most famous military marches, the sounds of patriotic Americana echoed around Lake Eola on July 4 preceding the fireworks display.
But just a short distance across the street rang out a different barrage of noise. Cardi B’s WAP and Bad Bunny’s Oasis were among the many rap and Reggaetón tunes nearly drowning out the traditional melodies emanating from the lake’s adjacent bandshell.
Families and children of all backgrounds were greeted to the annual event with lyrics such as “how good she looks wet... hey, you smell so good. I will going inside you like Pelé. An hour and a half in the motels... (translation)”
The raucous beats and raunchy lyrics from nearby clubs rose thunderously to a fevered pitch as minute by minute the clock inched closer to the program’s start time at 9:15 PM. Setting aside these lyrics' gross level of public obscenity, the clash also represented something more important than a "battle of bands"— it underscored a battle of values.
Americans, and Central Floridians, should think long and hard about what type of culture and country they hope to build and sustain.