Leland McKee Receives Best Photojournalist Award at Best of Central Florida Luncheon

Local resident Leland Mckee recently received the Orlando Local News' award for Best Photojournalist at the Bay Hill Club during the publication's Best of Central Florida luncheon. McKee chronicled former President Donald Trump's campaign's and his tenure in office. For six years McKee traveled to New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, New Hampshire and even as far south as Key West taking snapshots of the former president and his supporters along the way.
Although McKee never profited from his photography, he says he’s received something far greater in return: a chance to be a part of a historic movement and forge friendships with the former president, his allies and his supporters.
“A picture speaks 1000 words! In this case they represent 80,000,000+ voters!“ McKee says in his book. The book features pictures of the campaign and presidency in chronological order although some locations were not indicated. McKee articulated the importance of allowing each photo to speak for itself and hopes to donate the photos to the Trump presidential library at some point in the future when plans for the facility's construction materialize.
Although the book features a mere 100+ photos, McKee aims to release more in the future from his 50,000 picture repertoire.
McKee dedicated the book to his late parents, Barbara and Marshall, his friend and former swim coach the late Dr. Jack Beattie, and his children.
McKee's book is available here. Extra signed hard copies may be purchased through Leland McKee directly by emailing lelandwmckee@aol.com.