DeSantis Right For Scrapping Critical Race Theory

DeSantis Right For Scrapping Critical Race Theory

  Governor Ron DeSantis' latest proposal to remove Critical Race Theory from school curriculum earned the potential presidential contender praise from his allies and ire from his foes.  

  Critical Race Theory (CRT) deceives students to understand the world in terms of skin color and level of oppression. In CRT's viewpoint, America remains an irredeemably racist society, with civic mechanisms structured to uphold white supremacy. It’s based on the notion America is a fundamentally racist nation, with institutions designed to maintain white supremacy. Personal responsibility matters less than one's position in the racial caste system of victims and oppressors.  Public schools around the United States have already begun their quest to indoctrinate children by infusing CRT into required readings and lessons.  

  “We are living at a time of obscene inequities and merely trying to compensate is not enough,” the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) said last year. “Equity is more than making things more accessible and AASA’s work on equity must go further and become actively anti-racist…Now is the time for all educational leaders to intensify our commitment to address inequities and work to dismantle systemic racism.”  

  The association pledged a more "diverse and culturally sensitive" curriculum, with a greater share of classroom time being focused on "anti-racist curriculum in our history lessons, so that children are educated, informed and able to learn from our shared history."  The malignant tumor of CRT also extends far beyond the realm of history, with a group of teachers recently authoring a document pushing the “dismantling white supremacy in math classrooms by visualising the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture with respect to math.”  

  Gov. DeSantis' efforts to eliminate this venomous ideology from our classrooms should be applauded. However, it doesn't go far enough. In the end, students should be instructed about the fallacy of CRT as well. Critical race theory divides Americans by race by hiding under the mask of civil rights, and for the sake of our nation must not be invited into our homes or schools.