Worrell-Ayala Agenda Fuels Crime

While she's not cutting slack on violent criminals, State Attorney Aramis Ayala spends her time disrespecting police officers and impugning the character of our judicial system. The double standards Ayala adheres to only solidify the public outrage over her arrogance and holier-than-thou approach to administering justice. With public opinion moving strongly against her, Ayala did not seek to run for re-election. However, the State Attorney instead chose to run her mini-me: Monique Worrell.
Worrell, an attorney with a penchant for radical legal interpretations, not only aligns with Ayala's disturbing ideals, but also finds new allies within the so-called Black Lives Matter movement. The organization's fury imparted wrath throughout the United States on local business owners and government facilities throughout the summer and fall. When given the opportunity to condemn violence against the police and private property, Worrell and Ayala sought to brush aside the severity of the rioting.
Endorsed by radical socialists such as Bernie Sanders and bankrolled by Soros-linked PACs, the Worrell-Ayala agenda will not only bring more crime to our streets, but subvert the functions of our justice system in favor of tribal retribution and political corruption. Despite the fact that a police officer is 18 1/2 times more likely to be shot by an African American male than an unarmed African American male is to be shot by a police officer, Worrell and Ayala insist on eradicating non-existent injustices.
In a recent interview with the Orlando Sentinel, Worrell underscored her concerns: "People are tired of seeing black men and women murdered with no one being held accountable... [there shouldn't] be murder of innocent people sleeping in their homes by the government." We investigated Worrell's claims and give her three Pinocchios of our own. In the past five years, according to the nationally-acclaimed Washington Post report on police shootings, only three involved unarmed black men and none were sleeping in their homes. In addition, 2/3 of the alleged victims were involved in violent crime leading up to their deaths (see report details here: 2015, 2018, 2020).
With funding from the radical left, Worrell easily beat out her competitors, many whose names hearken respect and dignity like former Justice Belvin Perry and Ryan Williams of the Fifth Judicial Circuit's State Attorney's Office. Opposing Worrell in the General Election is Jose Torroella, a voice of moderation in a wilderness of anarcho-leftists seeking to disrupt the fabric of our system of government from the bottom up. A criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor with more than 20 years of experience, Torroella aims to run the State Attorney's office in a more traditional way (aka, holding criminals accountable): "The State Attorney's office is not going to be a place for social change or political matters..."
We whole-heartedly endorse Torroella for State Attorney in the Ninth Judicial Circuit, not only for his commitment to equality and justice under the law, but also for his stalwart position in fighting the corruption and double standards that permeate the present occupant's office. Chief among our reasons for endorsing Torroella: Sergeant Deborah Clayton and Deputy First Class Norman Lewis, whose deaths in the line of duty clearly mean as much to Ayala and her cohorts as investigating the facts about police shootings.
Of course, despite their senselessness and lack of serious plans to curb criminal activity, Worrell (and by extension Ayala) stand a good chance at once more clenching the reigns of power to the benefit of our areas most violent outlaws and drug dealers simply as a result of their party affiliation. In closing, we ask everyone before they vote, whether Democrat, Independent or Republican, to take a final look at the photographs of our local heroes and ask: "Whose side is Worrell on?"