Why Does Conservative Winter Garden Commission Celebrate Fake Holiday of Kwanzaa?

Winter Garden at Christmas time can be especially charming. The quaint streets and old-time feel of the city welcome all who enter. But even with the growth and sprawl of the town, the village remains conservative in disposition and largely Republican.
The city commission mirrors this character. And yet time after time in Winter Garden, and other municipalities, city leaders fail to meet their duty to constituents. This may offend the weak minded and the soft hearted, but what I am about to say here should not surprise anyone: "Kwanzaa" is not a real holiday. In fact, it is racist and bigoted. And yet the city entertains this fraud by allowing banners featuring a holiday greeting to dot the streets of town.
Christmas and Hannukah and even Pagan holidays such as Saturnalia hold precedent when it comes to winter celebrations. But Kwanzaa does not. Radical activist Maulana Karenga fabricated Kwanzaa in 1966 as an anti-Christian, anti-Western holiday to supposedly "give blacks an alternative to the existing holiday of Christmas and give blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society." For Karenga, the holiday served as an appetizer for violence: "you must have a cultural revolution before the violent revolution. The cultural revolution gives identity, purpose, and direction."
Is this really the kind of holiday Winter Garden's city commission should spend tax payer dollars endorsing this Christmas? Perhaps next election season Santa should bring an early gift of retirement to some of these so-called city leaders in conservative southwest Orange County.