Statement on OLN’s Relationship with Fellow Tenants and Political Activities

Citizens for Better Government Accountability PAC, like several other entities, shared an office space briefly with the Orlando Local News, something previously disclosed by the publication.
Like many organizations and offices utilizing a shared space, all entities operating in the office space run on of the same computer system. Although the organization in question recently relocated to Washington DC, they continued to do so during the transition process.
It came to our attention that the PAC today sent an email blast relating to a candidate running for U.S. Congress by accident as a result of this shared system, mistakenly failing to log out of the publication's email account on this shared computer network.
While the publication endorses candidates it does not engage in political activities, and despite this technical error, the PAC and other entities currently addressed at suite 236 A, B, and C remain separate both legally and operationally.
Moreover, the address listed on the email and several previous blasts from OLN remains in need of an update and is also incorrect.
The current address of Orlando Local News is 1350 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 236A, Winter Park, Florida 32789.