Rubio Lambastes Double Standard in Media

In a recent television appearance, Florida Senator Marco Rubio took the time to highlight perceived double standards in media coverage of political violence.
“If that had been reversed, if it was 23 Planned Parenthood centers or a liberal justice that was almost killed, then that’s all we would be talking about,” Rubio said in a recent interview on Fox News.
“That’s all the media would be covering, and that’s all Democrats would want to talk about. We’d be having hearings on it. And CNN would produce one of those 90-minute documentaries on ‘hate in America,’ and we would have all that.”
Many in the Republican party have echoed Rubio, pointing to a divergence in coverage when comparing programming on the capitol riot and Antifa mobs burning down parts of major American cities.
“If the political violence is targeted at people we don’t like on the other side, then that’s OK.”
Rubio will face Rep. Val Demings in her bid to unseat the incumbent Senator.