Sabatini, Gannam Address FRA Dinner in Celebration

Congressional hopeful and current State Rep. Anthony Sabatini addressed a packed FRA (Florida Republican Assembly) crowd via phone this past Monday at the Grand Orlando Resort in Celebration. The event began with a speech by organization official Lou Marin, who spoke of the immense successes of the group's events and outreach this year. Dinner have guests numbered in the hundreds, both at this weeks event and past venues this year.
Rep. Sabatini phoned in from Tallahassee where the candidate gave a legislative update on several bills currently making their way through committees to the House and Senate floors. One such proposal: an election integrity bill aiming to keep Florida's electioral system safe from fraud. "We all know what happened in 2020.... The bill clamps down on a lot of the ambiguities that make it a lot easier to cheat and steal," Sabatini explained.
The Representative also expressed satasfaction in regards to the passage of House Bill 1, recently signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis. The bill operates as a hedge against rioters and mob rule by escelating penalties for criminals engaged in the destruction of public property, dismantlement of monuments, and blockage of public roads.
In addition to these key legislative proposals, Sabatini also lauded House Bill 945 which he supports as a way to decrease the likelihood of local governments repeating lockdowns witnessed throughout the past year. Sabatini also outlined the legislatures plan to prevent corporations or businesses from banning residents not yet vaccinated.
Liberty Counsel speaker Roger Gannam followed Sabatini, addressing the audience about his work as Assistant Vice President of Legal Affairs at the conservative Christian organization. Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization "dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family, by providing pro bono assistance and representation" to persecuted conservatives and Christians.
Attendees remained throroughly enamored by both speakers throughout the speeches. Several other speakers preceded the keynotes, including Durrell Tootle, addressing the crowd unofficially about his role at Americans for Prosperity and the work the orginzation continues to accomplish. Luis Valdes of Gun Owners of America also spoke about the importance of protecting the Second Amendment.
The Florida Republican Assembly's next major event: a "black robed regiment" to stimulate converations among pastors and the faith community about conservative Christian issues. The function will be held on June 25-26 of this year.