Palm Beach Transplant Challenges Webster

In a move several local politicos deem carpetbagging, Palm Beach resident and failed one-time Congressional candidate Laura Loomer now seeks to challenge Lake County‘s hometown Congressman, Daniel Webster.
Webster has served in Florida‘s 11th congressional district for roughly 10 years. Loomer formerly sought a rematch with former competitor representative Lois Frankel in Florida's 21st district. Loomer lost her previous campaign by nearly 20 percentage points.
Formerly banned from Twitter, Loomer boasts of a history of controversial remarks relating to the Islamic community and enjoys close ties with many MAGA-world Republicans including Representative Matt Gaetz. Loomer recently authored a book on her experiences titled "Loomered: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World."
Loomer came of age in Arizona and Florida and is currently unmarried. She often appears alongside a variety of alt-right celebrities and proudly touts her support for Israel as a Jewish-American.
Some speculate her move to the Lake County area may put her at odds with one Anthony Sabatini also running for Congress, albeit in a different district. However, full details on Central Florida's Congressional races will not likely emerge until new maps are released.
Congressman Daniel Webster assumed office first in the 8th Congressional District in 2011, later followed by his accession to the 10th and 11th districts. Webster first entered public office in 1980 when he decided to run for a seat in the Florida House of Representatives.
Webster had been working on a project with his church to convert a residential house into a place for Sunday school to be conducted. Orange County commissioners rejected a zoning exception request prompting Webster to run for public office.
Webster ultimately attained the office of Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, the first in 122 years to be a Republican. He remained speaker until 1998.
Webster graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology and married his wife Sandra Jordan in 1972. The couple has six children.
This story may be updated with additional information.