Opinion: Rick Singh Skirts the Rules Again

    Perhaps Property Appraiser Rick Singh's inability to measure distances explains why he can't seem to count the acceptable number of alleged strippers walking into his office at a given time (the answer should be zero). But let's not be too harsh. After all, math isn't a strong point for everyone, although you'd think the property appraiser might enjoy better proficiency in that area than most people. Not Rick Singh. As shown in the photo above, Singh, failed to properly place his campaign banner within the required distance of a polling site. It should come to us as no surprise that Singh forfeits the rules every time.

    He's been taught that he'll get a free pass for anything he chooses to do. With a daughter running for Judge, Singh must realize that his example will be seen as synonmous with her status as a legal authority, if elected. We the people of Orange County don't ask much of Mr. Singh. Just follow the law.