Cory Mills- "After Al Qaeda and the Taliban, stopping these radicals doesn’t scare me one damn bit."

In a new camapign commercial, district 7 contender and war hero Cory Mills highlighted his passion for reforming Washington in the context of his military career.
“After Al Qaeda and the Taliban, stopping these radicals doesn’t scare me one damn bit,” says Mills at the close of the video.
“In Iraq and Afghanistan, I fought tyranny,” he said. “We battled governments brutalizing freedom, controlling lives and forcing citizens to cover their faces.”
Ever critical of big government overreach, Mills hit back against left wing totalitarianism at home in the US.
“In America, our enemy is different, but the objective is the same,” Mills said. “Total government control.”
Mills’ ad then visually contrasts pictures of women forced to wear burqas in Afghanistan to images of American figures wearing masks in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mills has continued to focus on a freedom agenda at home and abroad, focusing on evacuating Americans in Afghanistan, personally working to escort the stranded to safety. Mills served for years in Iraq, winning the Bronze Star and sustaining several wounds in battle.