An Angel's Touch Brightens Children's Lives in Central Florida

Orlando, Florida: the place where dreams come true and a magical fantasies take flight. Tourists and locals alike flock to Central Florida's attractions in hopes of rekindling that elusive quality called happiness.
But many times the fleeting moments entailed in a trip to the Magic Kingdom or any number of parks in our area leave visitors wanting for more. The sparkling eyes of a child so often turn to dismay as the begrudgingly long lines for character meet and greets come and go with the flash of a camera’s light.
After witnessing this dilemma at 19 years of age, Angel Custodio foresaw an opportunity to brighten the lives of children and embark on a new venture, catering to this niche market in high demand.
The Golden Tiara Company offers a personal experience the parks simply don’t allow in their cramped, often fast paced settings.
Angel began her career in the professional princess business at age 18 and fell in love with the industry right off the bat after witnessing the joy her character impersonations brought to the eyes of children. Her first client, a shy child with Down Syndrome, Angel says, lit up with delight and as the girl’s personality opened up “like a beautiful butterfly.“
Although Angel’s entrepreneurial journey initially embodied many of the challenges inherited by start ups, the business eventually took flight, and flourished through the pandemic as well, bringing the company’s services to children all across the state and nation via zoom.
But her inclination for starting a business began to manifest at the much younger age of 9 when she dabbled in selling chocolate bars to her classmates at recess, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit emblazoned in her soul to this day.
Custodio credits her supportive parents’ love and affection for not only driving her forward but endowing her with a sense of service and passion for people.
As a result, Custodio's firm remains the premier character impersonation company in Florida, and one of the best of its kind in the United States.
The Golden Tiara Company’s full portfolio, consisting of princesses, superheroes, galactic characters and more, may be viewed here.