Café-Boutique PIANO Coming Soon to Hannibal Square

The owners of a new piano cafe, Andrei and Larisa Makhaev, said the establishment will be opening soon despite a delay in the initial target date of mid January.
Polina Kaz, director of operations and the daughter of Café-Boutique PIANO's owners, said Winter Park fit perfectly with the European character the family hopes to instill in the cafe. “We looked at multiple locations in Winter Park, Winter Garden, Celebration, and decided that Hannibal Square would be the best option for our restaurant concept,” Kaz said. “We used to live in Europe, and downtown Winter Park has some old European atmosphere.”
Andrei developed the idea for the restaurant when he opened his first in Western Russia years ago. Although having lived in Russia for many years, the family remains staunch supporters of the Ukrainian fight for freedom as proudly demonstrated on the cafe's Instagram. Larisa Makhaev is a designer and artist and will be working on the interior of the restaurant to create a unique, intimate environment.
The restaurant will feature food from across the European continent with the cafe's motto titled ‘From the East to the West’.”
Foundry Commercial‘s Brett Hartung and Jill Gull represented the landlord, Orc Hannibal Square II LLC, in the deal, and founder of Orlando-based Site Commercial, Tom Schmidt, represented the tenant.