Walt Disney World Announces Commemorative License Plate

When you wish upon a star your dreams come true: and for quite some time, many Floridians in love with Walt Disney World hoped for a license plate to match their fervor for the parks.
Walt Disney World resort recently released a design based on its first ever license plate that Florida car owners can now pre-order. The unveiling coincides with the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World on October 1, 2021.
Around 1,800 pre-sale orders were received as of Wednesday morning for the specialty plate. The state mandates that 3,000 pre-sale orders come in before the manufacturing of such license plates.
The license plate features the backdrop of Magic Kingdom’s Castle and can be purchased for $25 with standard fees from local county tax collectors officers. Plates may also be purchased online through the Orange County Tax Collector's office.
Ticketing for October 1, 2021 celebration may be sold out, but those still interested in a piece of the action can take part in the celebration on the days surrounding the event.
"We look forward to sharing more information about our 50th-anniversary celebration soon," Disney spokesman Charles Stovall told the USA TODAY Network-Florida. The License Plates will benefit the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Above: A film exhibiting Walt Disney World's Opening Day