Rubio, DeSantis Receive Law Enforcement Backing

Both Senator Marco Rubio and Governor Ron DeSantis received the backing of law enforcement leaders from across the state this week in their re-election campaigns.
Rubio, receiving endorsements from 55 out 67 Sheriffs in the state, lamented many Democrats defund the police stance: “I think it’s especially sickening when people who should know better decide to align themselves with this effort,” Rubio said with a jab at Rep. Demings, the “hand-picked candidate” of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Rubio then moved on to border insecurity, touching on what he called an “epidemic of smash and grabs around the country.” He also highlighted Florida as an exception: “we don’t have a Governor and a Legislature who have gone completely crazy.”
“I’m honored by this endorsement. This speaks to more than just politics, it speaks to the direction of our country,” Rubio said at the press conference. “And I think this is a direction that is incredibly important and badly needed and that’s why I’m so grateful to be with all of them here today and I’m eternally grateful for your support. And you can continue to always count on mine.”
“When you inject the spirit of lawlessness in a culture and in a society, you only embolden the lawless. And in the end, the men and women standing behind me, and the men and women that work for them, are the ones that have to respond to it in a very difficult job.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis praised law enforcement as well.
“We actually passed a law in Florida that says we’re not going to let local governments defund law enforcement,” DeSantis said.
“In Florida, we’ve got your back. And we’ll continue to have your back,” DeSantis said, noting that support has only just begun. The Governor touted a proposal for $5,000 signing bonuses for new cops.
“We’re telling you we’re doing this because you’re entering a noble endeavor and we support what you’re doing,” DeSantis said.