Sailing in Key Largo

"Was it a dream? Or was it real?! With my love by my side, and the wind as our guide, how could this be any closer to a paradise than heaven itself?" I asked myself as I basked in the majesty of my first sailing trip
Five miles off shore, the first mate masterfully hoisted the sails of our schooner, and the motor shut off. The silence and solitude of the sea enveloped our senses.
As I sat and gazed at the dazzling rays of sunlight refracting through the crystal azure of the Atlantic Ocean, the hustle and bustle of A1A dissipated. Life‘s troubles seemed to fade away like the billowing vapors from my sweetheart's cigar.
There is a calming, healing balm in the waters surrounding the Florida Keys. As the waves sloshed gently upon our boat, the "Pirate's Choice," the sun's radiant ambience kissed our skin and warmed our souls.
Our journey to this paradise began at the headquarters of the KeyLime Sailing Club. No, it isn't fancy, but for those with real sealegs, the outpost makes for a sufficient respite from the landlubbing metropolises scattered across our state and nation.
Spending a night on one of the owner's mini-yachts or scheduling a charter allows for the maximum seafaring experience. Journeys best present themselves in the form of day trips for couples and multi-passenger excursions over a week for groups. Although our journey took place in the early spring, the weather held out and made for the perfect romantic escapade.
Bogart and Hemingway's Keys may be long gone, a relic in the annals of history, but the charm of those times still echoes through the sealanes of Florida Bay and Key-lantic waterways.
Whether on the "Pirate's Choice" or one of the many smaller yachts owned by the club, you'll be enchanted by the magic of the seas in this Floridian Aruanda.
For more information about planning your future voyage, click here.