Former Seminole Tax Collector Joel Greenberg Sentencing is Being Set

Former Seminole Tax Collector Joel Greenberg Sentencing is Being Set

A little more than a year after Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty to six federal charges including child sex trafficking, the former Seminole County tax collector’s sentencing hearing is in the process of being set, newly filed court records show.

In anticipation of that sentencing, Greenberg filed a motion Tuesday asking the judge for permission to submit additional information to the court under seal related to his cooperation in other criminal investigations.

“Pursuant to his plea agreement with the Government and to mitigate the significant penalties he faces, Mr. Greenberg has been cooperating with federal prosecutors in active investigations currently being conducted by the United States Attorney’s Office in the Middle District of Florida and the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. as well as in other jurisdictions,” wrote Greenberg’s attorney, Fritz Scheller.

Greenberg, who remains incarcerated in the Orange County jail while awaiting sentencing, faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years in federal prison.

As part of a plea deal with prosecutors, Greenberg agreed to cooperate on other criminal investigations. That cooperation could potentially lead to a reduction in additional prison time.

“If this Court sets a hearing on the motion, the proceeding will convey specific information to the Court concerning Mr. Greenberg’s cooperation against multiple individuals,” Scheller wrote.

Politicians, including Congressman Matt Gaetz, faced scrutiny as a result of their close relationship with Greenberg, also witnessed in a recent mailer highlighting his relationship with GOP Congressional hopeful Anthony Sabatini.