Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis taunts the Walt Disney Company at GOP Summit

Governor Ron DeSantis recently took Disney to task as a result of what many conservatives see as "Woke" policies put into effect by the company and their stance on the issue of HB 1557 which bans the sexualization of young children. The Governor further escelated the conflict and solidified his position this weekend at the GOP's Sunshine Summit.
“Big companies based in California do not run the state of Florida,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis also quipped that “we should all extend our best wishes to President Joe Biden for a speedy recovery from his bout with COVID,” DeSantis set up the crowd. “And hopefully, the United States will have a speedy recovery from its bout with Joe Biden.”
Lt. Gov. Nunez highlighted the Governor's record of a state budget surplus, tax cuts, reopening schools earlier than other states during the pandemic, and DeSantis’ appointments of conservative Florida Supreme Court justices.
DeSantis' focus on Disney as a target of Republican ire has been buiding for years, with the company als removing beloved rides such as Splash Mountain over allegations of so-called "racism."
Walter Elias Disney, the founder of the Walt Disney Company, stood significantly further to the right on most issues relating to family and values as a staunch Republican. The opening ceremony of Disneyland in California took place in 1955 featuring patriotic militaria, religious clergy and an entire entourage of Disney characters and moviestars.
A similar ceremony ocurred in 1971 in Orlando at the Magic Kingdom.
Contrasting many of company's positions today, Walt Disney's dedication remarks for his California park highlighted his strong belief in American values and the role the United States plays in the world: "Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."