Faith and Bullets Sustain Ukraine

When the first Russian bombs began to drop on Ukraine and caravans of tanks lined the country's borders, the Kremlin estimated a swift victory. But thanks to high morale and support from her NATO, allies ukraine continues to resist vladimir putin's death march day by day
It is not only the strength of Ukraine's military that pushes the country forward against the russians but also the resilience of their faith all across ukraine in every town and city day by day, the faithful pack churches to hold vigils in honor of those who passed and to ask God for his blessing in the future. As much as guns bombs and bullets do their part, a few hundred pages in between Genesis and Revelation do far more.
Faith has largely served a positive and cohesive purpose in Ukraine, binding the people together clothed in the guise of flamboyant sanctimony, Moscow's patriarch tells a different story.
This week in so many words bishop Cyril gave his full throated support for the war that has now killed thousands and thousands of innocent civilians.
Despite bombings ramping up and nearly constant air raid warnings in cities across western Ukraine— the faithful still flock to churches to thank god for what they have and what he will do. With monuments covered and curfews in place the citizens of Lviv and the entire region stand at the ready for whatever may take place.
Equipped with the resources of a massive military apparatus, Russia's eerie silence in western Ukraine over the last few weeks seems poised to change whatever happens next no one may know. But, as it stands now, no amount of firepower can break the will of the Ukrainian people.