Cocoa Air Show Draws Thousands

The Cocoa Beach Air Show drew thousands of spectators during this weekend's performances. Though the show demonstrated a vast array of vintage and modern aircraft, the highlight of the show for many were the Air Force's Thunderbirds.
The tranquil sights and sounds of Cocoa Beach were shattered with the booming sound of Thunderbird fighters at 2:30 PM on Sunday and Saturday, as the Thunderbirds paraded across the wild blue yonder at lightning speed. Crowds cheered as the veteran pilots exhibited the might and power of the United States Air Force.
Though a newer fighter produced for the Air Force, the F-22, appeared at the show, the Thunderbirds continue to fly the F-16C, a previous generation with many of the same features. However, one constant among both the F-22 and F-16: the monstrous roar of the jets as they flashed across the sky.
Preceding demonstrations included the B-52 bomber, the Douglas C-47 Tico Bell, the GEICO Skytypers, the C-17 Globemaster III and the North American SNJ-4, among others.