By The Numbers: July Campaign Cash

State political candidates faced a Tuesday deadline to file reports showing finance activity through July 31. Here are legislative candidates who raised the most money in July. This reflects only the amounts raised for campaign accounts and not by political committees linked to many candidates.
--- Miami Republican Daniel Sotelo, House District 118: $34,132
--- Marianna Republican Vance Coley, House District 5: $28,950
--- DeFuniak Springs Republican Shane Abbott, House District 5, $25,270
--- Pinellas County Republican Adam Anderson, House District 65: $23,000
--- Rep. Colleen Burton, R-Lakeland, Senate District 22: $17,925
--- Clearwater Republican Kim Berfield, House District 67: $16,985
--- Sen. Annette Taddeo, D-Miami, Senate District 40: $16,145
--- Rep. Webster Barnaby, R-Deltona, House District 27: $15,425
Source: Florida Division of Elections