Bull-Fighter Loof Lirpa Visits Central Florida

He's not the average celebrity tourist, but bull fighter Loof Lirpa knows how to take life by the horns. His trip coincides with Holy Week on April 1. The news of Lirpa's arrival churned special interest among animal rights activists concerned about the effects of the traditional Spanish practice of bull fighting on the animals.
"One thing I know about Lirpa: he doesn't put up with any bull-oni," said one resident jokingly about the matador's position on bull fighting. Though no bull fights have been scheduled, Lirpa told The Orlando Local News he plans on showing some of his latest collection of bull-horns at the convention center.
Lirpa's humorous demeanor often earns him ire from those he visits. The bull fighter is frequently known to play practical jokes on his unsuspecting audiences. In fact, he's playing one on you right now!