Pastor's Corner: Brother John Harris Offers Words of Wisdom in a Dark Hour

Everyone had high hopes for 2021. Many still do. The first week of January put those hopes on hold for a great deal of Americans, with our nation's divisions on full display. "How did we come to this point as a nation?" That is the question asked of brother John Harris, a long-time Pastor in Baptist ministry both here in the US at First Baptist Church of Orlando, among others, and abroad. In his deep, hallmark British accent, Harris explained: "I think the biggest thing for me, is what happened to truth? No one tells the truth anymore; neither party tells the truth."
The Bible says, "the truth will set you free." Pastor Harris feels the challenge of honesty in our national rhetoric needs to be addressed and that the church must speak out. Among the multitude of problems faced by our country today is the politics of vengeance, or "social justice," so often brought up in the discourse of our political leaders and the news media. While scripture mandates justice, it also commands the followers of Jesus to forgive.
Brother Harris emphasized the necessity of forgiveness in our national conversations: "The other thing that concerns me deeply about America is this-- where is the voice of the church since Billy Graham died? Why isn't the Christian church speaking up about forgiveness?" Brother Harris knows hardships and the difficulties life entails. But he also understand the immense promises of God and those who love and trust in his Son. Harris first began his Christian walk as a young man in Wales. Born into a mining family, his career didn't start with the clergy.
Instead, he joined the Royal Air Force and later went into insurance. During this time he also became heavily engaged in his church as a part time minister, where he met his wife after first hearing her on a film reel sent to Germany for the troops during his time in military service there. Before moving to the US on business, Harris founded a program to rehabilitate drug addicts in Great Britain by showing them the love of the Lord and counseling them at a fifty room, 17th century estate he leased in the English countryside for 1 pound from a generous donor.
Upon moving to the US, Harris again re-entered the ministry and for 25 plus years served as an Assistant Pastor at First Orlando. In the edition we will further explore the life and story of Pastor Harris in an upcoming bio as a part of our "Pastor's Corner" column.