In Memoriam: Michael Mennello: 1933-2020

At the close of 2020, Central Floridians remembered the legacy of Michael A. Mennello, co-founder of the Mennello Museum of Art he supported with his late wife Marilyn. Friends and political leaders expressed sadness upon his passing: “He was just a dynamo,” said long-time friend Mary Kenny to the Orlando Sentinel. “He had a vision for the arts in our community. He was an Orlando icon.” Mennello and his wife Marilyn met in 1975 in Winter Park at a cocktail party. Mennello said it was love at first sight: “I fell in love with her the moment I met her,” Mennello said in a 2012 interview. “Art was one of our common denominators.” Long-time friend Ross Silverbach, told the Sentinel, "they were a power couple." And a generous power couple at that. The Loch Haven Park museum bearing their name is adorned by 35 paintings by folk artist Earl Cunningham — worth $2.7 million, according to the city of Orlando. The couple's famous holiday party had continued over the years, even in the aftermath of the passing of Michael Mennello's lifelong love Marilyn in 2006. The annual holiday party in December attracted Winter Park's elite and power players from all sectors of Central Florida— though Mennello and his aides cancelled this year's due to Coronavirus concerns. Mennello's annual party normally took place the weekend of his passing, making the occasion all the more somber and reflective on the life of a man whose legacy will live on for many years to in hearts, minds and museums in Central Florida and around the world. Mennello and his wife remained active in politics and developed fond friendships with several Presidents and all ranks of politicians, including former Congressman John L. Mica, who described his experience at Mennello's parties to the Sentinel in the early '80s: “I’ve been to affairs of state all over the world, and the Mennellos could entertain as well or better than anything I’ve ever seen... It doesn’t get more elegant than this in Central Florida.”
The elegance and class of the Mennello's holiday soirées also reflected the beauty of their inner core: a love for their community, nation and world. In 2018, Mennello further expanded the museum with artwork valued at $8.75 million. For their contributions to art, our publication also selected Michael Mennello with an award for his efforts to honesty in our national rhetoric needs to be addressed and that the church must speak out. Among the multitude of problems faced by our country today is the politics of vengeance, or "social justice," so often brought up in the discourse of our political leaders and the news media. While scripture mandates justice, it also commands the followers of Jesus to forgive. Brother Harris emphasized the necessity of forgiveness in our national conversations: "The other thing that concerns me deeply about America is this-- where is the voice of the church since Billy Graham died? Why isn't the Christian church speaking up about forgiveness?" Brother Harris knows hardships and the difficulties life entails. But he also understand the immense promises of God and those who love and trust in his Son. Harris first began his Christian walk as a young man in Wales. Born into a mining family, his career didn't start with the clergy. Instead, he joined the Royal Air Force and later went into insurance. During this time he also became heavily engaged in his church as a part time minister, where he met his wife after first hearing her on a film reel sent to Germany for the troops during his time in military service there.
Before moving to the US on business, Harris founded a program to rehabilitate drug addicts in Great Britain by showing them the love of the Lord and counseling them at a fifty room, 17th century estate he leased in the English countryside for 1 pound from a generous donor. Upon moving to the US, Harris again re-entered the ministry and for 25 plus years served as an Assistant Pastor at First Orlando. In the edition we will further explore the life and story of Pastor Harris in an upcoming bio as a part of our "Pastor's Corner" column. Pastor's Corner will be a recurring column by local clergy to provide spiritual sustenance for your monthly walk. The heartening words and uplifting content of these columns will be certain to bring you peace and warmth during these times. bolster the arts. Sadly, his health did not allow him to attend our event at the University Club in early December, though his good friend Ross Silverbach accepted the award following his passing. Michael Mennello and his late wife Marilyn will be recalled for generations to come as titans of art philanthropy and patriots. We salute their work.