Support the Tabsir Fund!

From its inception, the Tabsir Fund remains centered on empowering underprivileged children around the world in the third world, war zones and among persecuted communities. Although the Tabsir Fund extends around the globe, the project's original point of focus zeroed in on supporting Christian and Yezedi minorities in war torn parts of the Middle East and North Africa.
The Arabic phrase Tabsir (تَبْشِير) — the bringing of "good news" to those in need —refers to the act of Christian ministry.
The fund's founder, Editor-in-Chief Marshall Swanson, inaugurated Tabsir in the war torn state of Iraq in partnership with local churches alongside a wide array of Christian mission groups and NGOs.
Although not overtly faith-based in its aims, in addition to providing toiletries and toys for refugee children, the fund also distributes bibles and other sacred texts tailored to each sect, denomination or religious group as well as coloring packets and elementary primers.
Swanson's efforts subsequently extended to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan with additional missions slated for Latin America and Asia. To find out how to contribute to the fund, please click here.